If you see an “out of memory” message, try turning on Temporary memory (in the Preferences dialog). If you still are running short on memory, try increasing Tex-Edit’s memory allocation in the Finder. I would suggest at least 1200K if you plan on doing a lot of picture editing with a big color monitor. If you notice any strange behavior while using Tex-Edit Plus, try deleting the “Tex-Edit+ Prefs” file in the Preferences folder. Some problems are caused by Extension conflicts. Try re-booting your computer with the shift key held down. Some problems are caused by a corrupted “Desktop” file. Try re-booting your computer with the option-command keys held down. If you have trouble with the speech functions, try increasing Tex-Edit’s memory allocation slightly. The “high quality” MacinTalk Pro voices use the most memory. “Marvin” and “Fred” use the least. Re-installing PlainTalk may help. Persistent problems may require a “clean” System re-installation.